::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

my name::siti hasmah mohd najib
my nickname::cheme
my status::student of RCSI, dublin
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layout. www.serendipityq.com

*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Friday, December 31, 2004

a day after 25 december... 

baru jer terbaca post kuwe@ikhwan dlm bulletin board kat friendster yang memberi info ttg world disasters yg berlaku pd tarikh ni...26 dec (a day after 25 dec)

1. 26 dec 1932 : earthquake in Kansu, China killed 70,000 people
2. 26 dec 1939 : earthquake in East Anatolia, Turkey killed 30,000 people
3. 26 dec 2003 : earthquake in Bam, Iran killed 43,000 people (OMG!...i nearly forgot dat i attended the donation appeal dinner in RCSI)
4. and now..26 dec 2004 : earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia killed 55, 000 people

what is the hidden message from this fact?..well.. kiter semua tahu yang 25 dec adalah x-mas day yang 'disambut' di seluruh dunia.. sudah pasti ia disambut dengan so-called 'social parties' and 'minum2 dgn member2'... dan hari esoknyerr pulak............... tengok... what happened?!

btw, ribut Greg yang melanda Keningau, Sabah on 1996 was also happened on 26 dec..hmm

p/s: kaum rasul yang terdahulu (yg ingkar) diturunkan azab Allah berbentuk world disasters juger...

posted by al^asma at 4:58 am ::

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