::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

my name::siti hasmah mohd najib
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*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Sunday, November 21, 2004

hijab:picture conflict 


this morning i chatted with zaidah about our anonymous girlfriend in friendster who uploaded her un'hijabed' pictures to the public (u guys know friendster rite?...anybody in the whole world can watch the free show..*sigh*)...the problem is...they are not only pictures of herself, but her girlfriends too, unhijabed as well...suddenly we remembered that we also had 'entered' pictures taken by various digicams nowadays..oh no!..what if the owners exhibit our pictures to the mahram??...that'll bring us a very very big problem...(akhirat especially...na'uzubillah)...

then we realised that some of our alim housemates always try hard to avoid to join pictures without hijab on their head...yeahh...who knows if somebody could 'betray' you someday...?..

i told zai that i also used to feel guilty taking photographs with my free-haired friends and show them to public. is that a sin?...considering that they do not wear hijab at first?!...hmm

well...in the end of our discussion..these are my future personal precautions..(starting now!)..insya Allah
1.always wear hijab (and cover aurat, of course) when taking pictures
2.tell/alert the picture-owner-to-be for not showing my unhijabed pict to public
3.keep the pict of my unhijabed muslimah friends from any mahram available..including my male family members
4.destroy/terminate the pictures if the situation becoming worse...(eg:me, getting married...?...my future husband of course forbidden to see those picts!)

thats all i could think of today...any suggestions?...please give me your idea...ill appreciate it so much...syukran

p/s:come on sisters...come on wear hijab...then Allah will love you even more..insya Allah....(you know He'll never break His promises...rite?! ^_^)

posted by al^asma at 10:07 pm ::

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