::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

my name::siti hasmah mohd najib
my nickname::cheme
my status::student of RCSI, dublin
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*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

this one of my special skills 

watching... troy, a great epic movie
la..la..la... cinta tak berganti by siti nurhaliza


today i wanna talk about one of my (self-proclaimed) special skills... that is.. able to recognise people faces and instantly matched them with somebody else's!.. macam mana nak terangkan yer... kiranya kalo aku tengok muka somebody tu..aku akan cepat2 teringat kat muka orang lain yang pernah aku jumpa, yang mempunyai wajah yang hampir sama...huhuh..

well...actually i don't think skill ni hebat sangat ..*sigh*..cos ramai jer orang lain yang ade skill begini.. cuma baru2 ni jer..bila tengok cerita 'Win a Date with Tad Hamilton', aku rasa yang muka Kate Bosworth mmg hampir sama dgn Siti Nurhaliza..cuma Kate tu version omputih jer..kiranya orang2 yang mukanyer hampir sama dgn Siti Nurhaliza sekarang ni ada 3 org: 1. Zahnita Husin Wilson 2. Scarlet Ortiz 3. Kate Bosworth.. (kalo nak kenal diorg ni carikla sendiri kat internet ke..mana2 ke..they are not really important in my life)

bukan jer utk artis..kawan2 tedekat pun menjadi 'mangsa' juga.. sorry yer..kot2 ada org yg offended kalo aku ckp muka dia mcm somebody else...

dats all 4 now..chao..

posted by al^asma at 11:25 pm ::

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