::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

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*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Friday, March 11, 2005

chapter 2; part 1: BELGIUM 

la..la..la...just in love by s.e.s.

date: 26 to 28 Feb 2005
venue: Belgium a.k.a Royaume de Belgique
main states visited: Brussels, Antwerp, Brugge

exactly on the next day result 1st prof kluar and borderline/prize orals pun dah settle... me, fadzie, zaidah, timi, ijah n dini pun fly ke brussels..then capital city of belgium. waktu ni bermulalah cuti 1 bulan kitorg after habis the terrible 1st prof exam :P. alhamdulillah kitorg semua pass and therefore semuorg enjoy this trip dgn sepenuh hati...:)

...1st day...target place: Mini Europe.
mini europe tutup
this is one of the main attraction kat belgium. kalo tanya mana2 kwn yg dah pergi belgium, diorg mesti pergi tempat ni. apa yg ada kat sini? mainly miniatures around europe spt eiffel tour, pisa etc utk org ambik2 gambar. faha dah pesan kat kitorg, "buat membazir jer korg masuk tempat ni, macam kanak2. lebih baik korg jln2 kat brussels ke, shopping ke aper.. dahla mahal, kena bayar €11." ok, we took that as a challenge. mula2 aku fikir that's only a matter of different interest.. in another word, faha mmg x suka benda2 macam tu.. but our group thought that "dah datang tu..kalo tak tengok rugi!". so apa lagi.. kitorg pun berusahalah membeli tiket train@lrt utk ke sana.. but, unfortunately........................ TUTUP!... cis.. rupa2nya ader reconstuction... tulis depan2 pintu masuk.. alaaaa.... tu la pasal... lain kali check dulu kat internet bila dia bukak!.. sedeyynyerr... but it didn't bother me much cos insya allah akan pergi balik time kelana konvoi bulan 8 nanti.

...then, Antwerp
t/f, kitorg pun decide nak pergi ke antwerp..salah satu region yg famous kat belgium. mula2 konon nak pergi tengok muzium crystal.. but, bila dah sampai sana, rasa x best la plak.. hmm.. lagipun dulu aku pernah visit kilang crystal kat waterford..mungkin konsepnya lebih kurang.. jadi malas lah sket.. instead, aku, zai + timi nak masuk Aquatopia..ala2 underwaterworld.. aku n zai x pernah masuk ke underwaterworld langsung, jadi kitorg sgt2 excited nak pergi.. orang lain x minat la plak.. yg menariknya dlm tempat ni dpt tgk sotong kurita secara lebih dekat..heee(boleh tgk gambar dlm fotopage) and ikan pari, piranha..etc... as souvenir, aku pun beli emperor fish plushie yg comel sgt belang2 biru... disebabkan influence aku....orang lain pun beli gak!!... t/f ade 6 plushies kitorg beli..apedaa....tiruuuuuuuuu............:P

ok... kering idea la plak....rehat jap..

to view my belgium pictures.. click here---> my fotopages

posted by al^asma at 4:02 pm ::

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