::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I'll be missing you...friends 


terkejut dapat berita from malaysia yang my dear
friends from SMSAH a.k.a. Jenan: Bal & Ochee meninggal dunia
dalam accident kereta semalam.


semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat Ilahi..amiin


posted by al^asma at 11:44 pm ::


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

chapter 2; part 2: BELGIUM juga 

watching... takuya kimura in pride

[sorry...lama tak update...baru jer balik dari Galway last weekend..and semalam ada program Cuti-cuti Musim Bunga kat M'sia Hall :)]

..ok..next.. Brugge (pronounced as "brooch")

tempat ini ialah kawasan countryside with a very nice view.. dikenali sebagai "Venice of the North"... nak pergi sini ambil masa about 1 hour naik train from Brussels.. mula2 kitorg plan nak naik basikal tour town nie.. tapi disebabkan terlalu sejuk sampai ke tulang intention tu pun hilang.. freezing cold... tak mampu pulak nak lawan angin sejuk sebab berbasikal plak karang..

jadi..kitorg pun jalan2 (dgn kakilah jawabnyer) melihat2 pemandangan indah di Brugge.. apa yang indahnyer? memandangkan kitorg hanya sempat berjalan2 di sekitar town centre yang banyak kedai2..yang paling unik rasanya rooftops kedai2 kat sini..comel! ala2 staircase.. tak der sapa yang realise betul2 sampailah aku belek2 poskad yang aku beli and tengok balik gambar2 dalam digital camera time waktu naik train balik.. baru sedar!..
brugge town
-chillin' out with timmy-

kitorg juga habiskan masa souvenir-shopping di sini memandangkan mostly lebih murah drp bandar Brussels.. paling best ialah chocolates! (since belgium ini sangat famous dgn laces and chocolates) banyak kedai2 coklat yang comel2 with various shapes + colours.. disebabkan easter yang bakal menjelang, jadi ada jugak coklat with easter theme.. kebanyakannya easter eggs la.. tapi coklat ayam kat bawah ni pun best jugak....~saliva-drooling!
chickin choco
-ayam perisa coklat-

aku membeli truffles + nougat yang sangat sedap... makan macam makan kacang lah pulak..heh... hmmm... by the way, selain coklat yang dimakan begitu sahaja, belgium chocolate waffle juga sungguh enak.. paling sedap bila dimakan panas2 dengan hot chocolate sauce yang cair di atasnyer.... fuhhh.... *fadzie punya yang sejuk tak sedap langsung! boleh lose appetite bila makan..(sedikit exaggerating di sini).. kesimpulannya..makanlah waffle yang hangat!..
chocolate waffles!

...finally... Brussels a.k.a Bruxelles

the main tourists' attraction here is the Grand'Place. ia sebuah kawasan empat segi agak2 besar padang bola sepak (or bigger) yang dikelilingi oleh medieval buildings atau guild houses seperti Town Hall + the King's house. architecture bangunan2 nih memang menarik.. menggambarkan ketamadunan eropah..zaman dulu..

-the town hall at grand'place-

once in a blue moon
-once in a blue moon-

*note: gambar 'once in a blue moon' nie.. baru jer 30 seconds diupload dlm flickr.com terus ade org bookmark as favourite...wow..

ok..sambung balik... one of the most unforgettable memory waktu tengah bersiar2 di grand'place ni bila ader a group of belgian white guys datang approach kitorg.. salah sorg drpnya pakai 'kotak' kereta pun approach aku and tanya "are you tourists?".... aku pun angguk laa.. my other friends mula2 nak avoid dia sebab takut pak teh kacak tu buat apa2 plak.. tapi dia kata "relakslaa.. saya ni kena denda cos just married (in english laaaa)"..pastu dia pusing belakang tunjuk words 'just marrie' instead of 'just married' (kalo ikut grammar yang betul laa...)

aku pun tergelak...hehe..kesian mamat ni..member2 dia kenakan dia sebenarnyaaa...jadi.. kesian plak.. so decide nak bagi support apa yang boleh tolong.. mula2 dia mintak kitorg jalan berbaris macam keretapi..ceh..hampeh..tak nak!.. ade ke patut.. ok.. dia pun mintak maaf and go on explaining bangunan town hall kat atas ni.. dia cakap bangunan ni tak simetri.. bahagian yang tinggi kat tengah2 tu bukannya betul2 centre.. disebabkan perkara ni, arkitek bangunan tu pun bunuh diri..uuuuu

ok..bila denda dah tamat.. pak teh pun kata thanks ngan kitorg and kitorg semua pun mengambil gambar kenangan..heheh...semuanya member2 dia pun kacak2 belaka..:P bila time balik.. aku pun wonder, what actually the guys were doing? and kenapa diorg fluent cakap english?.. timmy pun cakapla.. nilaa bachelors' party and diorg tu maybe org2 terpelajar drp college or universities...oooooohh that's make sense...pak teh yg sorg tu dah nak kahwin, and member2 dia saja kenakan dia on the last day dia jadi bachelor...hmmmm....interesting..! my 1st experience to be involved in such a party!

ok..kalo interested nak view grand'place online click here

again...to view my belgium pictures.. click here---> my fotopages

next chapter.....trip to Paris..

p/s: happy birthday to azie and abg sazly!

posted by al^asma at 11:36 pm ::


Friday, March 11, 2005

chapter 2; part 1: BELGIUM 

la..la..la...just in love by s.e.s.

date: 26 to 28 Feb 2005
venue: Belgium a.k.a Royaume de Belgique
main states visited: Brussels, Antwerp, Brugge

exactly on the next day result 1st prof kluar and borderline/prize orals pun dah settle... me, fadzie, zaidah, timi, ijah n dini pun fly ke brussels..then capital city of belgium. waktu ni bermulalah cuti 1 bulan kitorg after habis the terrible 1st prof exam :P. alhamdulillah kitorg semua pass and therefore semuorg enjoy this trip dgn sepenuh hati...:)

...1st day...target place: Mini Europe.
mini europe tutup
this is one of the main attraction kat belgium. kalo tanya mana2 kwn yg dah pergi belgium, diorg mesti pergi tempat ni. apa yg ada kat sini? mainly miniatures around europe spt eiffel tour, pisa etc utk org ambik2 gambar. faha dah pesan kat kitorg, "buat membazir jer korg masuk tempat ni, macam kanak2. lebih baik korg jln2 kat brussels ke, shopping ke aper.. dahla mahal, kena bayar €11." ok, we took that as a challenge. mula2 aku fikir that's only a matter of different interest.. in another word, faha mmg x suka benda2 macam tu.. but our group thought that "dah datang tu..kalo tak tengok rugi!". so apa lagi.. kitorg pun berusahalah membeli tiket train@lrt utk ke sana.. but, unfortunately........................ TUTUP!... cis.. rupa2nya ader reconstuction... tulis depan2 pintu masuk.. alaaaa.... tu la pasal... lain kali check dulu kat internet bila dia bukak!.. sedeyynyerr... but it didn't bother me much cos insya allah akan pergi balik time kelana konvoi bulan 8 nanti.

...then, Antwerp
t/f, kitorg pun decide nak pergi ke antwerp..salah satu region yg famous kat belgium. mula2 konon nak pergi tengok muzium crystal.. but, bila dah sampai sana, rasa x best la plak.. hmm.. lagipun dulu aku pernah visit kilang crystal kat waterford..mungkin konsepnya lebih kurang.. jadi malas lah sket.. instead, aku, zai + timi nak masuk Aquatopia..ala2 underwaterworld.. aku n zai x pernah masuk ke underwaterworld langsung, jadi kitorg sgt2 excited nak pergi.. orang lain x minat la plak.. yg menariknya dlm tempat ni dpt tgk sotong kurita secara lebih dekat..heee(boleh tgk gambar dlm fotopage) and ikan pari, piranha..etc... as souvenir, aku pun beli emperor fish plushie yg comel sgt belang2 biru... disebabkan influence aku....orang lain pun beli gak!!... t/f ade 6 plushies kitorg beli..apedaa....tiruuuuuuuuu............:P

ok... kering idea la plak....rehat jap..

to view my belgium pictures.. click here---> my fotopages

posted by al^asma at 4:02 pm ::


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

take a break 

la..la..la...the cuppycake song by justin timberlake (most probably)

the lyric:

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear!

posted by al^asma at 12:32 am ::


Sunday, March 06, 2005

chapter 1: my first professional exam 

la..la..la...viva rock by orange range

dah lebih kurang seminggu 2nd med students of rcsi habis menempuh our 1st professional exam. seperti yg telah diterangkan dlm post sebelum ini, exam ni merupakan exam besar yang mencakupi semua syllabus anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, behavioural science a.k.a psychology and physiology yg kitorg dh belajar selama 4 semesters (1st and 2nd med). kiranya exam ni ala2 SPM n IB exam la.. kalo tak pass exam ni, tak boleh proceed ke clinical years kat Surgeons' hospitals eg. Beaumont Hospital.

what is the sicnificance of this exam?
"2nd med is the most difficult year of all (because of the 1st prof)", Mr. Hanson, the anatomy lecturer

sebelum ambik exam ni, aku tertanya2 betulkah apa yg dikatakan oleh encik Hanson tersebut. memang betul rupanya.. exam ni cuma mengambil masa 7 hari exam (selama 3 minggu), tapi impactnyer sampai 1-2 months (or maybe 3) before the exam. boleh kata makan tak kenyang, tidur tak lena, mandi tak basah disertakan dengan symptoms of depression pada waktu tu. muka pun jadi cekung and berat badan pun turun..which i didn't notice at all!

during the exam...

semua subjek ada short notes paper (which is less strict than essay). 10 questions for 1 hour 45 minutes. must answer all, this means semua soalan kena jawab, takde option. in another word, kalo tak tahu nak jawab langsung certain question..habislah...

the mark scheme is weird: 0 (not written anything), 35 (fail), 55 ("nearly fail", sebab pass=50), 75 (honours) untuk every question. after that marks for the ten questions are totaled and averaged to get 100% for the paper. ini membuatkan aku risau sangat2 because nak dapat 75 tak terdaya diri ini. jadi tinggal 0, 35 and 55 jer. thanks to Shu sebab dia pesan "jawab semua soalan tau, jangan tinggal kosong". thanks Shu.. your advice was really USEFULL and APPLICABLE. aku memang confirm sangat banyak soalan tak dapat jawab especially for pharmacology and psychology, tapi disebabkan "goreng" yang entah sedap ke tidak, alhamdulillah berjaya..

for combined MCQ..
this is THE MOST DISTRESSING paper that i have ever taken in my life. 150 questions for 2 hours 30 minutes. sepanjang jawab paper ni, perut rasa lapar teramat..padahal dah makan lunch. kepala pun pening giler. mmg tak tahan!. aku igt aku sorg jer rasa macam tu, rupa2nya semua orang..!.. dayah kata "exam ni buat semua org hypoglycaemic".. yess.. thats the right term i think. glucose dlm perut habis sebab nak bagi energy kat otak yg tgh pening nih.

for anatomy practical..
as usual, ini mmg exam wajib untuk anatomy, apatah lagi kitorg mmg dah biasa dgn card signing every 2 weeks. bezanya, kali ni kena tahu satu badan!.. from head to toe.. banyakkknyerrr mak aiiihh... dahlah kitorg belajar anatomy lebih detail dari segala U dekat Ireland nih (or maybe the whole world!)..

the result...
as USUAL, result keluar cepat giler. tak payah tunggu lama2. "hari ni habis exam, hari esok dapat result". alhamdulillah, pass overall.. walaupun ada satu subjek bordeline, tapi markah overall compensate for that subject. mathan mohan dapat pergi 5 prize orals for 5 subjects, and dapat 4 out of 10 prizes (basically 1st and 2nd prizes). markah dia utk semua subjek >75. hebatnyee.. kena lawan dia nih...!

ok..thats the report for the exam.....dah boleh masuk hospital! yeayyy... syukur alhamdulillah (^_^)v

......next chapter... trip to Brussels

posted by al^asma at 6:45 pm ::


Saturday, March 05, 2005

bonjour!..i'm home 

la..la..la... keabadian cinta by anuar zain

assalamualaikum + hi to all...!

hmmm..actually, i'm just coming back home from a-week-vacation to brussels and paris.. directly after habis exam last week...sorry for the waiting yer...at last..baru jer boleh start blog-writing balik seperti suatu ketika dahulu....huuh....bila tu yek?...hampir terlupa plak the excitement of blogger..alamak!..kenalaaa polish balik writing skill nih...hmmm...

apapun...i have so much ideas to write...pasal exam..brussels..paris...hmmm...hmm...and fotopages pun nak kena update gak nih...bestnyer...tak sabar nih...korg tunggulah yer..:)

posted by al^asma at 1:13 am ::
