::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

my name::siti hasmah mohd najib
my nickname::cheme
my status::student of RCSI, dublin
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me, a social blogger:
"Your blog is more of a
semi-private affair for your friends.
It's how you keep in touch...
sharing stories, jokes, and pics."
~from blogger quiz

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*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Friday, November 26, 2004

naruto freak ^o^ 

do you wanna know how bad is a naruto freak can turn up to be?
check out this website...lol..narutard
kelaka giler.. =p

specially dedicated to nini jugak.....heheh
i know you'll like this...(ko dah tengok ke belum ek?)

posted by al^asma at 3:16 pm ::


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Scarf 

The Scarf
By: Nura Alia Hossainzadeh

They stand there with shorts, so short, excessively short,
shorts that so deceptively capture from them all they know

of modesty...

...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair

They stand there, face lost in a sea of make-up,
make-up that so ruthlessly captures from them all they know
of freedom...

...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair

They stand there, hair raining with gels, colors -
chemicals that so menacingly capture from them all they know
of purity...

...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair

They stand there, so close, so very close to their "lover",
devoted to them, the devotion that so mercilessly captures
from them all they know of individuality...

...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair

And they stand there, talking of getting new shorts, new gels
and colors, new boyfriends, materialistic things
that so wrongfully capture from them all they know
of God and love...

...and I proudly pull my scarf over my hair

For my scarf is my protector, my lover, my devotion,
my pureness, my beauty, my rememberance of God,

And I proudly pull it over my hair knowing that when I wear it,
I so rightfully thrust away all the things that the devil
brought about,

And when I put it on, I am


posted by al^asma at 10:28 pm ::


Sunday, November 21, 2004

hijab:picture conflict 


this morning i chatted with zaidah about our anonymous girlfriend in friendster who uploaded her un'hijabed' pictures to the public (u guys know friendster rite?...anybody in the whole world can watch the free show..*sigh*)...the problem is...they are not only pictures of herself, but her girlfriends too, unhijabed as well...suddenly we remembered that we also had 'entered' pictures taken by various digicams nowadays..oh no!..what if the owners exhibit our pictures to the mahram??...that'll bring us a very very big problem...(akhirat especially...na'uzubillah)...

then we realised that some of our alim housemates always try hard to avoid to join pictures without hijab on their head...yeahh...who knows if somebody could 'betray' you someday...?..

i told zai that i also used to feel guilty taking photographs with my free-haired friends and show them to public. is that a sin?...considering that they do not wear hijab at first?!...hmm

well...in the end of our discussion..these are my future personal precautions..(starting now!)..insya Allah
1.always wear hijab (and cover aurat, of course) when taking pictures
2.tell/alert the picture-owner-to-be for not showing my unhijabed pict to public
3.keep the pict of my unhijabed muslimah friends from any mahram available..including my male family members
4.destroy/terminate the pictures if the situation becoming worse...(eg:me, getting married...?...my future husband of course forbidden to see those picts!)

thats all i could think of today...any suggestions?...please give me your idea...ill appreciate it so much...syukran

p/s:come on sisters...come on wear hijab...then Allah will love you even more..insya Allah....(you know He'll never break His promises...rite?! ^_^)

posted by al^asma at 10:07 pm ::


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Rewrite by AKFG 

this is the opening theme for Full Metal Alchemist ep49 (and?!). baru jer nengok episod tu setelah sekian lama tak tengok dari episod hmm..15 kot?..tak igt. lagu nih rupa2nye ader dlm iTunes ku tapi bila tgk opening FMA, nampak best la plak :). by the way, i'm attracted to the lyrics..(translation..of course!..x pandai japanese =p)..

Asian Kung-fu Generation - Rewrite

original japanese lyrics:






kishinda omoi wo hakidashitai no wa
sonzai no shoumei ga hoka ni nai kara
tsukanda hazu no boku no mirai wa
"songen" to "jiyuu" de mujun shiteiru yo

yuganda zanzou wo keshisaritai no wa
jibun no genkai wo soko ni mieteiru kara
jiishiki kajou na boku no mado ni wa
kyounen no karendaa, hizuke ga nai yo

keshite riraito shite
kudaranai chou gensou
wasurerarenu sonzaikan wo

riraito shite
imi no nai souzou mo kimi wo nasu gendouryoku
zenshinzenrei wo kure yo

mebaeteta kanjou wo kitte naite
shosen tada no bonyou wo shitte naite

kusatta kokoro wo, usugitanai uso wo keshite
riraito shite
kudaranai chougensou
wasurerarenu sonzaikan wo

riraito shite
imi no nai souzou mo kimi wo nasu gendouryoku
zenshinzenrei wo kure yo


i want to spit these grating thoughts out
because i have no other proof of my existence.
the future i should have grasped [1]
is contradicting itself between "dignity" and "freedom".
i want to erase this distorted image
because i see my limit in it.
last year's calender beside the window
of my over-conscious self, has no dates. [2]
erase, rewrite
those pointless illusions,
that sense of existence i cannot forget.

revive, rewrite.
let me have them, those meaningless delusions and the motivation that makes up you,
your entire body and soul. [3]

severing my feelings that have budded, crying.
knowing that i am, afterall, just mediocre, crying.

erase, rewrite
my rotten heart, my dirty lies,
those pointless illusions,
that sense of existence i cannot forget.

revive, rewrite.
let me have them, those meaningless delusions and the motivation that makes up you,
your entire body and soul.

credits to k. dybb..;p

posted by al^asma at 9:25 pm ::


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

eid mubarak!!.....4 days already?! 

its 4th syawal already b4 i notice the time passed by...:P...wahhhh...this year raya aa..soo meriah..thank god 1st syawal jatuh pada hari sabtu..jadi blehla raya sakan time weekend 2 hari berturut2 sabtu+ahad...
wargghhh...sorry..x post kat blog awal2...im quite busy pergi open house dr siang sampai malam..*wink*..penat2..fuh..fuh..tapi sempat gakla post gamba kat fotopages...jadik sesapa nk tgk gamba bleh tgk kat fotopages yer...nk post kat blogspot ni byk2 agak susah..tengok jerla kat sane yek...heheh
okla...basically, camnila..diary raya aku...

~1st syawal

mostly semua malaysian students pergi m'sia hall ramai2 sambut raya kat sana...tapi ramai la org...tak sempat pergi awal...sedihhh...jadik kenala dgn housemate suma pergi solat raya kat dublin mosque jer..after solat balik umah makan...nyum nyum...makan rendang, kuah kacang, lemang, nasi himpit, lodeh..kuih raya plak biskut mazola+suji..and ada puding mangga as dessert...all made by my housemates and me...
kat mesia hall..punyerlaa raamaaai...tak terkata mak ooii..tapi yg terkejutnye terserempak nessie dtg from manchester..raya kat sini!..pastu terjumpa gak kawan lama skolah jenan dulu..fadzli a.k.a p~...x sangka dia dtg dublin ni...rupa2nya dia buat acc kat dublin business skool..

~2nd syawal

kitorg pergi rumah duta malaysia dato' ali abdullah..(bagusla...dia dah nak transfer dah...:P)...sorry...dia dah termasuk dlm 'black list' aku...kenape?...more to personal perception..beriya mkn kat umah dia..tapi...salah tak?...tak suka sbdy, tapi mkn kat umah dia...?....hmmm...tapi dia yg buat open house..(mungkin duit kerajaan sebenanyer)...hmmm...camner aaa...inila konflik raya ku?!!...
petang pegi umah faha...buat open house..5 bintang kepada rendang wahid..paling sedap di dublin!..2 thumbs (and 2 toes) up!...bestla...rasa cam nak balik umah...waaaa

~3rd syawal

pergi dinner "lemang vs ketupat" anjuran islamic medical association malaysia a.k.a IMAM...okla...dinner proper kat belfield...yg bestnye ader performance and games..xderla sekadar makan jer..yg poyo nyer tgk sani berlakon...kelako giler..teringat aku kat yuyu yang juga poyo cam sani..heheh :P...adekah semua bebudak SAS berperangai sedemikian?...wallahua'lam

~4th syawal (today)
pergi open house bdak2 dublin business skool DBS..ini pun best giler...SOTO and SATE tuuu!...bestla...diorg nyer batch junior (sebaya aku) rajin giler organise open house satu batch..ala2 pot luck cos suma org sumbangkan sth..sorryla...bdak2 medic ni agak susah sket nak gather satu batch camtu anjurkan open house...bestla diorg...semangat sungguh!..mentang2 cuti seminggu...(buat pengetahuan korg semua DBS punyer cuti sama ngan cuti kat mesia, jadik kalo kat mesia cuti raya+deepavali seminggu, kat DBS pun demikian...aci tak?)

okla..thats all 4 now...sekian laporan dari dublin...kembali ke sri pentas..heheh

p/s: sapa ader nengok muka aku kluar tv...MHI and Selamat Pagi Malaysia time 1st syawal?!!...msg me...ok... *wink*

posted by al^asma at 7:25 am ::


Saturday, November 13, 2004

esok raya! 

salamsss...esok raya!!....panik..panik...*o*
tolonnggg...mati2 igt raya hari ahad..rupanya sabtu...
dahla hari ni baru habis kelas...penat2 pergi iftar jauh kat clonskeagh mosque...pastu org masjid kata esok raya...panik..panik..panikkk....
aku sepatutnya kena masak lodeh...nasib baik barang dah beli...giler...esok nak raya...tapi satu haper pun belum buat...
tula aku and housemate tak tido malam masak semua gak malam ni...lodeh...rendang..kuah kacang...nasi himpit...lemang...kuih raya...puding...haper lagi...rumah 18 org..masak banyak laaa...
nasib baik...instinct aku betul....sth suprising akan jadik...dh siap beli bateri kamera alhamdulillah....kalo x, x bergambar la esok...
aku still x percaya sok raya....ramadhan 29 hari jer..tp...mmg raya!...x pernah jadik camni....pelik kan?...esok raya..tapi satu haper pun x masak lagi...heheh..

okla...di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin utk semua...ampunkan salah silap diriku yg tak sempurna ini...halalkan makan minum.....nak duit raya bleh?..heheheheh.... ;p

semoga lebaran ini membawa keberkatan utk kita bersama...amiinn

p/s:aku mmg still panik...tak tepon umah lagi...tgkla...tulis post pun kucar-kacir jer...(membayangkan betapa paniknya aku)......alamak...baju raya tak iron lagi!..^o^

posted by al^asma at 9:30 am ::


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

pantun raya 

assalamualaikum pembuka bicara....

Terbang ke desa burung kenari,
Melayang rendah di dahan pulasan
Tibanya masa salam aidilfitri
Sedih girang di perantauan,

Menjerat ikan sebulan purnama,
Luka jari disengat keli,
Perantau dagang itulah kita,
Patah semangat jangan sekali,

Dalam syahdu diulit kerinduan,
Seberang laut keluarga tercinta,
Tiba sudah hari lembaran,
Ampun maaf hamba pinta,

to sender: thanks very much..:)..*i dont wanna publicise ur name here, in case u want privacy*..its been quite a loooonnnggggg time i havent got raya poem in eid card...cant remember...but this poem is nice...please dont tell me this is not ur creation *cos i dont wanna believe it anyway ^o^*..thank you..thank you..rasa terharu...malu plak aku cos tak hantar kad raya kat ko...sorrryyyy...ill reply ur card later...thanks again...

posted by al^asma at 9:03 am ::


Monday, November 08, 2004

tak mungkin ku melepas mu 

Tak Mungkin Ku Melepas Mu
Dygta feat Andina

Mengartikan dirimu di dalam hatiku
Betapa ku sesali adanya dirimu
Haruskah ku bertahan demi cinta ini
Yang tak mungkin

Andaikan saja ada keteguhan hati
Tuk membuka kembali jalan cinta ini
Biarkan ku menanti semua janji kita
Sampai batas waktu mengakhiri
Dan tak mungkin untuk kita bersama
Di atas perbedaan yang slamanya mengingkari

Dan tak mungkin bila ku melepasmu
Sungguh hati tak mampu
Mengertilah cintaku
Dan tak mungkin
Semestinya tak ada yang memisahkan cinta ini
Karna hanya dirimu satu cintaku
Mengertilah cintaku
Percayalah cintaku
Apa mungkin...?

lagu ini ditujukan khas utk sahabat2 ku yang tersayang drp zaman aku tadika dulu sampai la kat kolej sekarang ni..extra special to anim, eda, ena, uswa, musfirah, ajai, mak lijah, nenek, raudah, shareeza, kawan2 ska, kawan2 sralj (aku ingat budak2 poyo al hadi, hafiz ithnin, shahrizal, sazali, haji shukri, fahmi) widot, amalia, imm, lalok, laura, atie, amani, ida, bal, aff, azie, hasni, emy, girls wira, girls jenan batch 96-00, abang2 rota, bebudak jenan, che roy, che sue, sulaihah, aju, arsyu, bebudak ikip 2001, nini, aya, ros, wan nabilah, aiza, nani, husna, farid, zaidah, bebudak m015, bebudak kmb 01-03, timmy, fadzie, ct, bebudak surgeons', housemate 318,and semua bebudak dublin........dengan ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin..raya tak lama lagi...hehe.......nak baalliiiikkkkkkkk!!

p/s: best tak lagu ni

posted by al^asma at 5:21 am ::


Monday, November 01, 2004

im a social blogger..yeahh..maybe right 

You Are a Social Blogger!

Your blog is more of a semi-private affair for your friends.
It's how you keep in touch... sharing stories, jokes, and pics.

What kind of blogger are you?

*taken from hafiz's blog*

posted by al^asma at 9:01 am ::
