::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
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Friday, October 08, 2004

the value of friendship 

The value of friendship

Semalam aku baca manga naruto volume 234…sedihnyaaa…..
Naruto and Sasuke are now apart…Diorg yg sebelum ni team mate yg rapat and slalu buat mission sama2…pastu terpisah selepas satu fight yg amat dahsyat… tapi bagusla, rupa2nya Sasuke tak sampai hati nak bunuh Naruto and terus tinggalkan Konoha Village. Dia baru sedar yg selama ni abang dia Itachi memperalatkan dia… hmm.. cos x dpt mangekyou sharingan (syarat nye: kena bunuh bestfriend sendiri)..Sasuke pun decide nak cari jalan sendiri utk jadi hebat utk bunuh abang dia yg kejam tu…. Naruto and Kakashi pun sedih giler… x sangka Sasuke bleh buat camtu….(lagipun diorg x tau rahsia mangekyou sharingan)..

Khas utk sesapa yg mengikuti Naruto series….I think this episode will be the most significant transition b4 Naruto and Sasuke meet again someday..

posted by al^asma at 9:13 am ::

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