::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

why All Sunday?! 

maybe ada yang tertanya2...nape aku amik nama "all sunday" untuk blog ni..hehe.. untuk peminat2 manga/anime jepun 'one piece' cam aku ni sudah semestinya mengetahui siapakah gerangan Miss All Sunday a.k.a Nico Robin... okla..aku perkenalkan serba-sedikit tentang watak fav aku ni... :)

Name:Nico Robin
Birthday:6 February
Devil Fruit:Hana Hana Fruit (Flower Flower Fruit)
Wanted:79.000.000 berries.
Name under Baroque Works:Miss All-Sunday
Role in Baroque Works:Vice President, Highest Commanding Officer
Role in the Straw Hat Crew:Archeologist
Dream:Discovering the Rio Poneglyph, which tells the True History

bio ni aku dapat kat http://www.geocities.com/gauzz2002/nicorobinshrine/pages/nicorobinshrine.htm

why do i like her?

hmmm... basically dalam komik budak getah banyak watak yg jadi fav aku cam luffy, zoro, chopper etc...but untuk watak female, aku paling suka nico robin..not because she is sexy..but her confidence, leadership, strength, maturity etc and all of these make me see her as a true GIRL POWER... lagipun dia ni jadi villain sejak kecik (maybe..im not sure..sebab dia kena wanted oleh marine since 8 years old bcos of assasination)...ini menunjukkan yg dia sememangnya seorang wanita besi yang survive tanpa mengharapkan bantuan kaum adam...heh :)

okla..aku sebenarnya tak sabar2 nak tunggu her next adventures dgn geng straw hat pirates..since aku just baca komik keluaran malaysia jer, jadi tak dapatla nak tgk the latest release story fr japan..tapi tak kisahla..yg pasti one piece is the best..

viva one piece!

posted by al^asma at 1:28 am ::

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