::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

my name::siti hasmah mohd najib
my nickname::cheme
my status::student of RCSI, dublin
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*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Thursday, June 30, 2005

moving out 

la..la..la... appreciation from bleach ost

hari ini secara rasminya aku akan pindah rumah
maka dengan itu tiada lagi sumber wireless broadband tetap selama beberapa bulan..isk..iskk..sedeyyy...
ni alamat baru yer...

4, wolseley street,
south circular road,
dublin 8

p/s: gonna miss 318 so much...

posted by al^asma at 9:27 pm ::


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

jangan jadi orang hipokrit 

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: The Prophet said,
"Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.
1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.
2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.
4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner."
(Sahih Bukhari, Book #2, Hadith #33)

*note: hypocrite=munafiq


that's the word to describe this....

baru2 ni kesabaran aku dah mencapai tahap kemuncak...
to this particular group of people... u can describe my feeling as 'pissed off'.. yup.. they are just around me, and around you guys as well.. hmm, actually they are everywhere.. and sometimes you hardly notice them.. sebenarnya, aku bukannya orang yang benar2 layak utk melabelkan orang.. my judgements are almost all humanly bias.. im not perfect..cos the All-Perfect is the One and only Allah s.w.t.

ive been around this particular group of people for a quite a period of time.. we've shared a few same life experiences.. because of this, supposedly, sedikit sebanyak seharusnya kitorg faham akan peribadi masing2.. kadang2 ada la jugak misunderstandings/salah faham/rasa tak puas hati.. tapi lama2, perasaan tu hilang sebab manusia membesar dengan kematangan..

being an observant (to a certain degree), i like to watch the group progress.. i used to hope that everybody will change for good.. tapi nampaknyer..harapan tu sia2.. rupa2nya diorg masih lagi tak faham.. masih lagi tak matang.. this actually makes me sad :(

disebabkan segolongan kecil drp this group yang menjadi 'batu api', maka mulalah this particular group of people 'bersemangat' balik.. kalo bersemangat jihad kerana Allah takper...tapi sebaliknyaa..

i try to voice out my concern to them.. aku try tegur apa yang salah..apa yang mungkar... tapi, adelah pulak 'pasukan2' yang berusaha untuk mengkaburi mata orang lain.. diorg cuba menutup kebenaran..malah menyokong pulak puak2 yang menjadi 'batu api' tu.. gerammnyerr!... 'batu api' ni memang dah buat aku ber'asap' betul..... then i spoke out louder... but still, 'pasukan2 penyokong' tu lebih giat berusaha... actually im in a weak position.. takder back-up yang nak sama2 berdiri sebelah aku.. sebenarnya aku berharap sangat2 supaya lebih ramai lagi orang yang sama2 bersuara utk oppose this group.. i just cant stand it..

sekarang ni nak kena bertenang sekejap... and berfikir+buat tindakan seterusnya lepas tu..

ya Allah.. bantulah kami ini

posted by al^asma at 11:54 am ::


Thursday, June 23, 2005

summer hol's..o yeahh 

gonna watch... jeon ji-hyun & jang hyuk in windstruck and takeshi kaneshiro & gigi leung in turn right turn left

la..la..la... girls on top by BoA

pwehhh...at last..paper patho and microb berakhirlah sudah... hmm.. CPC (clinico-pathological corelation)+MCQ pathology agak mencabar while MCQ microbiology agak okey... alhamdulillah...rasa2nya MCQ microb yg tadilah MCQ yg paling best or bolehlah dikatakan "paling aku boleh buat" berbanding semua MCQ yang pernah dibuat time exam kat RCSI ini..adakah itu petanda baik??...harapnyer..insya Allah

well...dah habis exam ni...mula2lah...rasa sedeyla plak.. cuti summer...semuorg balik malaysia!!...huaaaa...nak balik jugak....sedeyynyer....bukannyer sedeyy sebab nk berpisah dgn kengkawan..tapi sedeyy..sebab jealous!! ;p...huahuawwwa.... maka bermulalah hidup dgn penuh kebosanan sepanjang 2 bulan ini....

okeylaa..nak pergi makan verona nih dgn fazi, timi, ziet...housemates ku (buat kali terakhir) pastu mlm ni nk tgk movie kat atas tu..wahahah...jangan jealous...baru jer dpt parcel from yesasia.com..mentang2 diorg tgh free shipping worldwide...apa lagik...mulalah aku shopping!!


posted by al^asma at 10:30 pm ::


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

be careful..bloggers! 

la..la..la... fikirkan boleh!

Recently, i noticed that some of my fellow blogger-friends (no matter whether their blogs are linked here/not) are having the bloggers' "dilemma", which is always expected to be happened in this blogging world... The "dilemma" i mentioned here is basically..hmm..to put it into simple words.. is to restrict yourself for not telling EVERYTHING that is related to you e.g. your daily life activities, your thoughts, your feelings, your problems..and most crucially..your secrets. For me, as a blogger, i will always keep remind+warn myself that "my entries will be exhibited to the whole wide WORLD".. notice here: www a.k.a world wide web?!...

Considering that i am not a favourite/popular 'somebody' in this world (you can name them, i guess) , i prefer NOT to change the 'status' i.e. certain private issues of mine (also people around me) are not meant to be exposed to the perilous world out there.

Very frequently, i wonder..that people seems to 'forget' that the Internet is also one of the mass media channels (unluckily, it also has the WIDEST coverage you know). Its kind of weird to publish unneccesary things that fall under the "membuka pekung di dada sendiri" category, to this translucent channel.

Just an advice for those who suffer from this dilemma:
~ Write a private diary, or a private blog instead!..(way too easy...just change the privacy settings of your blog+do not ever tell anybody that you have one!)

.....well...the written+MCQ examination day is just about a week from now.. wish me luck!
aja! aja! fighting!

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posted by al^asma at 9:56 pm ::


Sunday, June 12, 2005

cuddly Luq-Luq 

la..la..la... Joget Pahang by Siti Nurhaliza

These are the pictures of Nur Luqman bin Amar..the cutest, most lovable, huggable baby in Eire..missed by all his 'aunties' in Dublin..(bila nak jumpa dia lagi nie?!..dia tinggal kat Waterford with his Abu and Ibu; which is my dear ex-housemate)

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

posted by al^asma at 8:29 am ::


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Happy Birthday...Widot!! ^^ 

la..la..la... J'ai Pas Vingt Ans (I'm Not 20!) by Alizee

attention all...now the day has come...

today is this lucky girl's 2*th birthday...W.i.r.d.a A.s.h.i.k.i.n!! ^^ (i know u're gonna thank me for keeping your age a secret..heheh:P).. of course..wirda a.k.a widot is very lucky to have an admirable, amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome friend like me....huhuahua...one of the bestest buddy i ever had...(look..i'm not pretending here)... well..hereby i present these pictures to the WORLD wide web... hopefully nobody's gonna digitally modify them..sorry to say, i intentionally burgle them from ****** (as she always did to me...heheh)-->clue: an "online social networking community that connects people through networks of friends for dating or making new friends"......please widot...i beg you not to drag me to the court!! :P

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
from left: widot, ulya, amalia...miss u gals...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

10 words to describe widot:
1. sweet..:P
2. loud
3. catwalk
4. high-pitch
5. sprinter
6. fitness
7. fan-atic...(currently so into korean^^)
8. lefthanded
9. available
10. bubbly

hmm..at first..i wanna write a testimonial for you...but that's gonna waste my time here...hahah...dont worry guys..if u re interested to know more of her, please shout out and i'll give you link to her profile at the "mentioned" social networking community... or easiest..just visit her xanga link right here...actually i do have it on the left column (widot..you owe me for this...helping out to raise up your visitor count!)

this song is dedicated especially to widot..

Title: J'ai Pas Vingt Ans (I'm Not Twenty!)
Artiste: Alizee, a french pop princess

C'est pas l'histoire d'un jour
Qui rime avec amour,
Plutot un long sejour
Mais pas: un "pour toujours"
J'veux pas d'un "pour la vie" qui mene au paradis,
Moi j'ai le temps!
C'est juste un compromis, un peu comme l'eau de pluie
Qui devient l'ocean...
C'est pas l'enfer non plus
Question d'habitude...
Si c'est pas pour la vie, tant pis,
Alors dis oui...

J'aime pas l'habitude!
J'aime pas quand ca dure!
J'ai pas vingt ans...
J'ai pas d'attitude... Meme si j'ai l'allure!
J'ai pas vingt ans... Et des talons aiguilles: un talent de fille,
Melodie du vent...
Je change comme je rime, cachet d'aspirine,
On est vieux a vingt ans...
Moi j'ai le temps!

C'est pas l'histoire d'amour
Qui coule comme l'Adour
Plutot un courant d'air
Qui souffle sur ta terre
J'veux plus d'un: je m'attache, qui m'ennuie et me fache
Moi j'ai le temps!
Plutot un coup d'audace, faut m'aimer a ma place
Et m'attendre au tournant

J'aime pas l'habitude!
J'aime pas quand ca dure!
J'ai pas vingt ans...
J'ai pas d'attitude... Meme si j'ai l'allure!
J'ai pas vingt ans... Et des talons aiguilles: un talent de fille,
Melodie du vent...
Je change comme je rime, cachet d'aspirine,
On est vieux a vingt ans...
Moi j'ai le temps!

na na na na na, melodie du vent

J'aime pas l'habitude!
J'aime pas quand ca dure!
J'ai pas vingt ans...
J'ai pas d'attitude... Meme si j'ai l'allure!
J'ai pas vingt ans... Et des talons aiguilles: un talent de fille,
Melodie du vent...
Je change comme je rime, cachet d'aspirine,
On est vieux a vingt ans...
Moi j'ai le temps!

and the translation:

Looking for paradise
Is always on my mind
Morning light shining right
Sing me a lullaby

Oh! baby come to me
Bring back simplicity
I'm here you see!
So why hang on to me?
Just write my poetry
If you're okey dokey!
Get up and start to smile, guy
Do it for me
Wake up, I'll come round man
Let's do "boogie-woogie"

It's not even a game
Get over your pain
I'm not twenty
Not even ashamed
Could we celebrate
Cause I'm not twenty
And life goes on and on
I go as I come
Mélodie de vie
I fly all alone
A light little stone
You get old at twenty
And I want to be free

Oh! Baby baby mine
You're always on my mind
Having fun is just fine
Your love, I shall deny

Falling for me, indeed
Is diving in someone's need
Love is too strong!
I've fallen into me
And freedom's ecstacy!
You can never go wrong!

dear widot...have a very very happy birthday!!...muahhsss

p/s: of course ure not 20, cuz ure>20 years old already!!..hahah..

posted by al^asma at 7:00 am ::


Monday, June 06, 2005

3 bears song 

title: gom semariga (the 3 bears)
from: Full House drama

Gom semariga han jibe isseo
Appa gom eomma gom agi gom
Appa gom eun ddoongddoong hae
Eomma gom eun narsshin hae
Agi gom en ai gwiyeowo
Eusseuk eusseuk jarhanda =^^=

performed by:
1. andy shinhwa (the cutest)
2. song hye kyo
3. bi

posted by al^asma at 11:00 pm ::


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Dr John, Dr John, calling Dr John! 

la..la..la... one sweet day (live) by BoA and DBSG

today i wanna tell u about somewhat unexpected, gradually changing of my perception of somebody..which is my tutorial teacher.. Dr. John :)

Name: Dr John Surname (sorry cikgu, x tau surname cikgu lah)
Age: about 25-30
Occupation: Clinical Skills Tutor
Nationality: typical Irish~dark brown hair, blue eyes, Irish slang
General description: very slow voice, baby stern-look

at first..
time mula2 masuk tutorial kelas dia, aku tak berapa suka sangat.. cos dah lah volume suara slow giler (soft-spoken), pastu laju jugak.. ada jer org request "can you raise your voice please?".. tapi dgn berlagaknya dia menjawab "no, i can't.. you should move towards me instead".. hah.. apakah orang sebegini?.. that was kind of weird, because usually lecturer2 yang aku jumpa selama ni biasanya sporting je.. agak menakutkan betul.. tapi pelik gak, dia tu memang tak boleh raise dia punya voice ke?.. tipuuu...

lepas tu...
tadi tu dalam group yang besar.. combine 2 groups, adelaa dalam 20-30 orang.. tapi kali ni, dalam group yang kecil plak dalam 15 orang.. si Dr. John ni.. asyik dok melayan orang2 putih jer.. memanglah diorang tu mostly active participant dalam tutorial.. tapi kan.. mata dia langsung tak pandang wajah orang2 asia/malaysia nih.. farah sophia pun cakap dengan nada sedih, "terasa laa.. cikgu tak pandang muka kita..." tak ada eye-contact dengan kitorang pun.. memang terasa lah jugak.. dahtu, asyik panggil minah mat saleh yang sama jer ke depan.. nampak memang bias la Dr. John ni..

ada la sekali tu aku beranikan diri raise my voice depan kelas untuk jawab soalan dia.. and rupa2nya dia pandang muka aku rupanya!.. kemudian i notice that dia memang menoleh a.k.a pandang muka every person yang bagi respon dalam kelas.. ~memang bukan untuk orang yang tak bagi respon rupanya... ohooo.. betul lah.. dan orang2 yang active ni lah yang berjaya merebut peluang semasa tutorial eg. berlatih clinical examination kat simulated patient.. ~orang2 pasif tidak berjaya setakat ini...huhuh

selepas itu...
aku pernah jugak berani panggil dia untuk tanya pasal gambar2 patient yang aku tak faham.. dia jawab jer soalan aku, tapi jawab simple2.. and rasanya takderlah pandang muka aku sangat.. at that time, aku terasa yang dia ni pemalu..~bukannya stern.. ini dapat dibuktikan semasa berselisih dengan dia kat corridor, dia tak pandang muka+senyum pun (gaya typical Irish yang peramah..lagi2 cikgu a.k.a lecturer).. orang boleh kata yang dia tu sombong.. tapi aku rasa.. more tu pemalu..hmm

boleh tak...? dia mengajar clinical skills sambil makan+minum kopi dalam kelas.. apedaa.. kesian..mesti tak sempat breakfast tiap2 hari..(clinical skills tutorial selalunya mula pukul 10.30 pagi).. tapi memang control macho siot.. mulut tengah munch munch.. sambil mengajar.. ini menunjukkan yang dia tu selamber jek..~tapi tak ikut ethics mengajar langsung..apedaa..

hari ini...
tadi aku angkat tangan sebab nak mintak kertas scenario clinical kat dia.. pastu dia datanglah kat aku.. dia hulurkan satu piece kertas, and aku pun peganglah.. mula2 aku tarik, tak dapat.. aku pun kata "oopss".. apehal nih.. tarik 2-3 kali..rupa2nya dia nak main dengan aku..huuhuu.. aku pun rasa lawak giler..terus tergelak and said "what are you doing?" .. ceh..muka dia macho jer..tersenyum sikit rasanya.. at this point, perception aku terhadap dia terus berubah... that was quite friendly.. dan tadi aku tiba2 rasa selamber jer raise my voice untuk bagi cadangan dalam kelas.. memang betul lah.. dia tak stern seperti yang dijangka.. and dia layan jer cadangan2 yang tak betul pun...so..tak payah lah takut/malu untuk bertanya dan memberi pendapat..hmmm.. dan akhirnya aku dapat kesimpulan yang dia ni OK orangnyer..

kiranya beginilah cronology of my perception...

pada mulanya aku menganggap Dr. John ialah seorang yang..
*suara slow betul..(tak dengar lah cikgu!)

tapi rupa2nya.. Dr. John ialah seorang yang...
*fair ~ dengan syarat ko mesti menjadi active participant dalam kelas
*selamber..control macho
*comel lah pulak!..heheh

teringat pulak dekat satu lagu Aqua ni yang ada lirik "Doctor John..Doctor John..calling Doctor John.. Doctor John..Doctor John wake up now"..something like that.. and aku berjaya dapatkan liriknye kat lyrics.astraweb.com .. ~dedicated khas untuk cikgu saya... Dr. John!

Artist: Aqua
Album: Aqua Mania Remix
Title: Doctor Jones

Sometimes, the feeling is right..
You fall in love for the first time..
Heartbeat, and kisses so sweet..
Summertime love in the moonlight..


Now the summer is gone..
You had to go back home..
Please come and see me again..
I never felt more alone..

(baby, i am missing you.)
I want you by my side..
(and i hope you'll miss me too.)
Come back and stay..
(i think about you every day.)
I really want you too..
(you swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love i found )

Doctor jones, jones, calling doctor jones
Doctor jones, doctor jones, get up now.. (wake up now.)
Doctor jones, jones, calling doctor jones
Doctor jones, doctor jones, wake up now.. (wake up now.)


All i think of is you, and all of the things we had..
Doctor, what can i do?
Why does it have to be like that?
(baby, i am missing you.)
I want you by my side..
(and i hope you'll miss me too.)

Come back and stay..
(i think about you every day.)
I really want you too..
(you swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love i found )

Doctor jones, jones, calling doctor jones
Doctor jones, doctor jones, get up now.. (wake up now.)
Doctor jones, jones, calling doctor jones..
Doctor jones, doctor jones, wake up now.. (wake up now.)


Please, please cure me..
Please, please cure me..
Please, please cure me..
Please, please cure me..

Doctor jones, jones - (wake up now.)
Doctor jones, jones - (wake up now.)
Doctor jones, jones - (wake up now.)
Doctor jones, jones,
Wake up now..


Doctor jones, jones, calling doctor jones..
Doctor jones, doctor jones, get up now.. (wake up now.)
Doctor jones, jones, calling doctor jones
Doctor jones, doctor jones, wake up now.. (wake up now.)

posted by al^asma at 6:10 am ::
