::Nico Robin @ Miss All Sunday::
from 'One Piece'

my name::siti hasmah mohd najib
my nickname::cheme
my status::student of RCSI, dublin
~View my complete profile

me, a social blogger:
"Your blog is more of a
semi-private affair for your friends.
It's how you keep in touch...
sharing stories, jokes, and pics."
~from blogger quiz

August 2004
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global Cronies

love Allah, know Islam
~ ceramah islam
~ harun yahya
~ islam online
~ islamic finder
~ islamicity

Fun Stuffs
~ cute flash games
~ friendster
~ hotmail
~ naruto-kun
~ narutofan
~ resepi
~ yahoo mail

~ RCSI intranet
~ RCSI webmail
~ RCSI forums
~ RCSI website

~ em-fifteen
~ helwaireland
~ KMB medics
~ circles99

Blog Tools
~ flickr
~ graffiti
~ photobucket
~ shoutbox
~ webdesigners tools

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*HUGS* TOTAL! give aja aja more *HUGS*
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Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto - kun.com

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>> credits:
tulip picture.www.tolunart.com
layout. www.serendipityq.com

*~*"^"*~* Straight ahead... I think... I wish... I believe... I am...*~*"^"*~*
Friday, February 11, 2005

sorry..no updates 

la..la..la... marriage d'amour by mukhlis idris

sorry guys...x update berbulan2 dah nie...heeeeeehee... i'm in the mid of my exams rite now..being extra buzy lately..maybe bleh active balik blogging balik dlm march-april nanti...hopefully

btw...ure all welcomed to rock my little shoutbox down here..as some of the "pengunjung setias" did..namely WIDOT, IDA (i'm advertising their name purposely here)...haahah...they've turn my shoutbox into a messenger ala2 msn & y!m la plak...anyway..thanks guys..and sorri bcos couldnt entertain u...org tua2 kata "buatlah cam rumah sendiri"..:)

okla...just to share these pictures with u.. taken from ayasufya's picts from frenster "illegally"..heheh:P....(i can tell her later..cos she is just my junior housemate..)...

i really LIKE this kind of parody...how bout u?..

hmmm btw...sapa2 dpt teka semua nama characters dlm picts ni dpt 10 markah!!..

last but not least.. slamat tahun baru HIJRAH!

p/s: ada sapa2 nampak salji turun tak?!..hehe

posted by al^asma at 9:41 am ::
